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    Exploring Nature with Your Child

    Backyards, they are where individuals of all ages go to relax and have fun. While many people enjoy being in their backyards, they are not the only ones. In fact, when you are in your backyard, you are rarely ever alone. At any given time, your backyard is filled with amazing, living things. If you are the parent of a young child, you may want to use this opportunity to explore nature with them. Not only will it be a fun experience, but it will also be a learning experience. 
    Birds are just a few of the many animals that can be found in your backyard. There is a good chance that a large number of different birds will make their way into your yard, especially if you have a bird feeder.  One of the many reasons why bird watching is fun is because of all the birds that you will see.  In addition to just watching these birds, you may to document what your child sees. 
    To turn bird watching into an educational experience, you will need to purchase a few supplies. These supplies may include a bird watching book, a notebook, and a camera. Notebooks and cameras are optional; however, they are a great way to document the birds that enter your yard. While a notebook and a camera are optional, you may seriously want to consider purchasing a bird watching book.  Many book stores carry a large selection of bird watching books, including those for children.  A bird watching book is essential when incorporating education into this fun backyard activity.

    As previously mentioned, birds are just a few of the many living creatures that can be found in your backyard. You and your child should also be able to find a large number of different bugs and insects. As with bird watching, you may want to study and examine some of these insects. By visiting your local book store or by shopping online, you should be able to find a number of insect resource guides or books that are designed especially for children.

    What is nice about most bugs and insects is that you don’t just have to look at them. A number of bugs and insects can live in small containers. If your child not only wants to see an insect up-close, but see how they go about their daily activities, they should be able to that with the right supplies. Most retail stores, including science stores, toy stores, and traditional department stores, should have a wide variety of different insect catching supplies. These supplies may include, but are not be limited to, small cages, breathable containers, and butterfly nets.

    Many children are aware of the fact that bugs and birds are living animals, but many do not know that plants and flowers are also living. For that reason, you may want to teach them about plants and flowers. Depending on when your backyard was lasted mowed, you should be able to find a number of different plants and flowers.  As with most other living things, you should also be able to purchase books and resource guides that cover common plants and flowers. You and your child may have fun comparing the plants and flowers in your backyard to those in their books.

    It is amazing what you can find in your own backyard. While you may not give any thought to the plants, flowers, bugs, or birds that can be found in your backyard, your child will likely be impressed with them.  For a fun, but educational experience, you and your child are encouraged to get outside and see everything that nature has to offer.
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